Organic Topdressing is a blend of 80/20 Sandy Loam (80% double washed sand and 20% natural washed soil) and Chicken Manure, that helps to promote drainage whilst fertilising your lawn. This mixture provides an ideal top-dress for your lawn in the cooler months, however due to the high Nitrogen content of the Chicken Manure it is not advisable to use organic topdressing in summer as it may burn your lawn.
We do not recommend using Organic Topdressing underneath turf as the manure content may burn the roots.
When topdressing your lawn we recommend applying Organic Topdressing at a thickness of 10-13mm, and then raking or brooming the soil into your lawn so that the tips of the grass are exposed to natural sunlight. It is critical not to apply the soil too thick, as this can essentially suffocate and burn your lawn.
Once applied it is important to water your lawn and then continue to do so lightly each day until the soil breaks down into the turf; this usually takes around one week to achieve.
Organic Topdressing is available in 30kg bags and by the tonne.
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