Biplas – Clear
Biplas - Clear is a specially formulated liquid mortar admixture and plasticiser, which is used to improve the workability of brickwork mortars and concrete mixes. This air-entraining mixture reduces the segregation and bleeding effects in mortar and concrete, and provides a more durable mixture.

Biplas – Dark
Biplas - Dark is a specially formulated liquid mortar admixture and plasticiser, which improves workability and provides a smoother finish for plaster and cement render mixes. This air-entraining mixture reduces the segregation and bleeding effects in plaster and cement render, and provides a more durable mixture.

BondCrete is an Australian made bonding and sealing agent that is used in a wide range of fields such as tiling, concreting, plastering, rendering, and carpentry just to name a few.

Blue Circle Cemstik® is a bonding agent and admixture that is commonly used to strengthen concrete and render products etc. Cemstik is also often used to bond new render or concrete to existing render or concrete.

Hydrated Lime
‘Adelaide Brighton’ Hydrated Lime is a product that conforms to Australian Standard 1672.1 ‘Limes for Building’. It is mainly used to enhance the plasticity and binding qualities of render, and improve the durability of mortar, but it also has a vast range of uses around gardens and farms.

Hydrochloric Acid
Hydrochloric Acid is a solution that is used for cleaning mortar off bricks and tools, lower-ing the pH and total alkalinity in swimming pools, and acid etching concrete, bricks and pavers prior to painting or sealing.

Premium Clay
Blue Circle® Premium Clay is a finely milled, air separated 'Fire Clay'. Known by many names such as Ball Clay, Builder's Clay or Render Clay, Premium Clay is a high plasticity Kaolin Clay with high dry strength and refractory properties.

Synthetic Lime (EcoSYN)
EcoSYN-Lime is a revolutionary, non-hazardous, and biodegradable replacement of Hydrated Lime for rendering and bricklaying purposes. It is a dry powder lime that enhances all mortar mixes by making them stickier, more workable, stronger and more flexible.

Uni Sand
Blue Circle® Uni-Sand is a superfine, dried and processed, high purity washed sand. Commonly used for a filler on top of Synthetic Turf, Uni-Sand has a wide range of uses from sand pits and aviary floors to rendering and sandblasting.